Search engine

The most magical yet elusive part of Digital Marketing, the pillar to make a website commercial, the king of Return on Investment, and the best investment anyone can make for their business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the only genuine organic solution to generate traffic to your website or e-shop, as it determines your Google ranking without paying Adwords. Better Ranking for the keyword equals better Click Through Rate and better Conversions.

SEO is considered a long-term marketing investment, and it varies in difficulty depending on the business, service, or product you want to promote, yet done methodically and purposefully, it takes off your site traffic with purely potential customers over time.

The results of SEO are totally measurable. We will not guarantee to rank you #1 on Google. We will promise you OnPage & Local SEO, Link Building, properly structured Landing Pages with SEO copywriting, and ongoing Reporting on results.
SEO is divided into Onpage SEO
and Offpage SEO or SEM (Search engine marketing)
Onpage SEO
To be a Google champion, there is one way only. You follow its rules. Unfortunately, Google is fond of changing the regulations or its algorithm that determines rankings continuously, so it needs constant monitoring and corrections.
Offpage SEO or Link Building or Search Engine Marketing
SEM is all the work done for Google optimization outside of your website. It is what can put the icing on the cake, and without Link Building, we certainly can’t be leading high-competition keywords.
The fundamental rules for the Optimization of a Website are the following:
  • High-Speed Server properly configured, Time to first Byte, Server Response, GZIP compression, Cache
  • Clear Code
  • Original content – Unique Page Titles & Meta Descriptions
  • Optimization of Page Speed of the website and compliance with Core Web Vitals
  • Correct placement of Headers (H1,H2,etc)
  • Proper Density of keywords within the content
  • Internal Linking so we can guide users’ flow through the website to get all the information they need and improve Pageviews
  • Correct Landing Pages so that they are closely relevant to the keywords the user is inputting but also interesting Content that will keep the user within the Website, increasing Session Time and Pageviews and minimizing Exits and Bounce Rate
These were indicative of 7 factors of good onPage SEO. In fact, there are hundreds, some with less and some with more importance.
SEO is not a sprint race but a marathon, and if you win it, it will change your business forever
The top positions in significant keywords are a treasure for a business.
Offpage SEO or Link Building or Search Engine Marketing

SEM is all the work done for Google optimization outside of your website. It is what can put the icing on the cake, and without Link Building, we certainly can’t be leading high-competition keywords.

The algorithm calculates the popularity and credibility of your Domain plus the references made to you on other websites based on what topic you are displaying.

How SEM works

If a long website with a high domain authority writes articles about you, your domain becomes more valuable. If a blog specializing in cars, writes an article about you selling cars, you also get a massive boost in the keywords it mentions.

Does SEO sound simple? It’s not!!

It takes a brilliant strategy from SEO experts, keyword research, experienced developers for website setup, Copywriters for your website’s landing pages, skilled copywriters in SEM, and a well networked Digital PR department to promote articles with Do-follow links to High Domain Authority Sites. However, when done right, it is by far the top channel in Conversion.

We have the team, the expertise,we feel a tremendous challenge in every new SEO campaign we undertake, and we have proven case studies that indicate that we are indeed doing it.

Give us a call 2114442300 to discuss your project, or message us here.

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