Knock, Knock!

Who is it?
An opportunity.

Digital Marketing for the holistic promotion of your company.

We start with Strategy, build a plan, and execute it passionately. SEO campaigns, Google Ads, Social Media Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Growth Hacking, and more tailored to your business.

Affiliate & Influencer Marketing

A real opportunity for products that thrive on Awareness and have profit margins for commission-based partnerships!

Affiliate Marketing involves partnerships with Bloggers, major news websites, and mass advertising placement, in the form of commission per sale. If your product is easy for any publisher or influencer to trust, you give them a commission on every sale they make for you. Whether with cookie tracking, postback URL tracking, or affiliation codes commonly used by influencers, you and the affiliate have complete insight into the performance of the affiliation.

The advantages of Affiliate Marketing:

  • You will only pay someone for the result.
  • The partner only needs to provide a very good advertising space on their website or manufacture a strong article and promote it, and no big setup is needed for each partnership.
  • There are platforms with a ready network of Affiliates, so if your product convinces and the commission you offer is tempting, you get huge brand growth in record times
  • Given that many websites will write articles and all will link to your website to buy, you are doing link building that would take a tremendous amount of time, money, and effort to do otherwise, so you are building your Domain Authority and SEM at the same time, gaining organic traffic and improving your rankings on long tail keywords

  • Affiliate marketing, however, needs attention to 2 aspects. First, you have to do excellent monitoring because to convince and sell, anyone can give misleading information about your product or present it through politically incorrect ways and damage your brand. Secondly, you need to calculate your profit margins accurately, because as long as you attribute commission you should be sure that you remain profitable and sustainable.

    Regarding Influencers, this particular marketing is very impressive for Branding, as everyone gets excited when they see your product presented by a brand name or someone specialized in your industry, e.g. Tech or Fashion, and if you research it properly and choose influencers that have a great resonance with your target audience it can be very effective in sales!

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Creative & SEO Copywriting

The most important but underappreciated asset for your company.

Contrary to what most people think, Copywriting is not just writing a text. Professional Copywriting is based on knowledge of Branding, Sales, Marketing & SEO, and needs to be accompanied by accessible and appealing copy that serves its purpose.

There are several types of Copywriting, such as:

  • Newsletters Copywriting
  • Native Ads Copywriting
  • Social Media Copywriting
  • Websites & Landing Page Copywriting
  • Seo Copywriting & Content Marketing
  • Copywriting is all about making your website visitor feel like you know what you are selling. It is the one that will let them know that you have Expertise in service, the Benefits and Characteristics of your product, and your Brand Voice.

    Copywriting will elevate the CTR of an advertisement, make it easier to sell a product and enhance the credibility of your brand.

    What's the point of paying thousands of Euros in advertising if your Landing Page doesn't convince anyone to buy or that you are a legitimate Brand?

    Without proper Copywriting, no kind of Marketing will perform well.

    As the icing on the cake, Google loves Copywriting and Unique and Original Content. Having well-constructed writing on your website is the first and foremost factor in boosting your Google ranking through SEO.

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Performance Marketing

The marketing channel most people love!

Performance Marketing is mainly about paid ad campaigns and promises to invest your money for the greatest possible ROAS results. It is purely measurable by the Conversions it sets since all ads rely on Copies and CTAS for sale.

Performance marketing is considered the ultimate trend during a difficult time when everyone wants to know that the money they put into advertising Spending will bring them sales.

The main channels for Performance Marketing are Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads.

We identify which ads have the best performance, are profitable, and which services have the best Conversion and focus our advertising budget on them. We use specific targeting of clientele, and in terms of Adwords, we constantly optimize the Negative Keywords that are damaging performance and emerge from Search Terms. When we safely believe that a Campaign is paying off, we progressively grow the Budget until the highest return on profit.

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Strategy & Creative

It’s time to play Game of Thrones.

If you know where you're going, you'll likely get there. If you know where to go, how to get there, and what dangers you'll face along the way, and you have 2-3 alternatives to get there safely and quickly, all you need to do is get started.

A good strategy with clear goals and excellent knowledge of who you are and what you stand for will open the door to creativity. Creative Concepts, professional Copywriting, and well-thought-out visual communication will make you stand out and elevate the performance of any movement in terms of Branding, Awareness, Leads Generation, Performance Marketing, etc.

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A marketing service that you should know what you are doing.

Search Engine Optimization is by far our favorite service. It is the type of marketing that helps your website get organic visits based on keywords that we will select together by doing Keyword Planning with tools like Google Keyword Planner and SemRush. By conducting proper keyword research, we set up each page of your website with the corresponding Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, Headers, image alt, etc. Simultaneously, we look at hundreds of other factors such as Duplicated Titles & Metas, correct placement of Content Pillars, right internal Linking, XML sitemaps & images sitemaps, and proper setting of robots.txt to exclude pages that do not need to be indexed and make sure to fill each page with unique and plenty of original content.

Afterwards comes the performance, technical structure of articles, and easiness of indexing which are influenced by other factors such as PageSpeed since Google loves speedy websites with clear code in both Desktop and Mobile versions. As well as how well we have set up all the details, website SSLs, crawl errors, optimized webp photos, non-www redirects, Server and CDN speeds, Local SEO, Schema, and Structured Data Markups.

SEM covers all the processes that will have to do with competition analysis, Link Building on highly Domain authority sites, articles from websites with Relevant niches, incredible Skyscraper techniques with continuous improvement, building your Popular Content, and much more.

Long-term SEO campaigns build an undefeated brand, inducing massive organic traffic to your website and elevating your overall online presence. There's no other campaign that has such a strong Return On Investment if SEO is done right.

Learn more about how we use SEO and SEM to promote your website.

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Get people to know and trust you.

Brand is a characteristic or a set of characteristics that can help a business stand out over another. Its primary parts are the name, the company's tagline, the symbol or logo, the Design, the Brand Voice and more.

It's about the overall experience of a customer-consumer when they engage with a business - whether as a buyer, customer, social media follower, or even as a partner.

Branding is the process of researching, developing, and implementing unique attributes by giving the ability to your company to build customer relationships with your product or service.

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Management & PPC Campaigns | Social Media Marketing

Social Media looks simple. In reality, it's simple to post. Getting what they can truly give you takes a lot of work. It takes a combination of clever writing, the proper selection of Hashtags, impeccable eye-catching graphic design, and an easy Call to Action. It requires organization on how to choose your posts for Branding, organically or non-organically increase Page Likes and Followers, and create engagement with your audience.

We handle Social Media on a monthly management level. An Account Manager will know your business perfectly and work with you daily to organize, along with graphic designers and Copywriters for the production of the monthly Post Calendar, and the management of PPC Campaigns.

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